康明斯 and 澳门足球博彩官方网址 celebrate graduates of game-changing Technician Apprentice Program

康明斯 and 澳门足球博彩官方网址 celebrate graduates of game-changing Technician Apprentice Program

康明斯 and 澳门足球博彩官方网址 celebrate graduates of game-changing Technician Apprentice Program


文森地区,印第安纳州. - Through a powerful collaboration, Columbus, Ind.美国康明斯公司 Vincennes University are leading the way in building an essential 21st century model 劳动力发展.

Graduates of the 康明斯 Technician Apprentice Program (TAP) at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 were recently recognized with special Commencement honoring the Class of 2021.

康明斯 and 澳门足球博彩官方网址 celebrate graduates of game-changing Technician Apprentice Program

According to President of Service Operations of 康明斯 Sales & 服务北美 Zach Gillen, "Vincennes University and 康明斯 both have long histories of trailblazing, and the partnership we have on technician apprentices has set a new standard of excellence with nearly 100 percent retention over the four-year 程序. 澳门足球博彩官方网址感谢领导 at Vincennes for believing in 康明斯, and we are excited to work together to grow 2022年及以后的计划."

In 2017, 康明斯 and 澳门足球博彩官方网址 joined forces to launch TAP, an important corporate strategy to ensure a highly-skilled workforce for the future.

"The 康明斯 and Vincennes University partnership will benefit students with technical skills and an associate degree for Diesel or Power Generation necessary to be more successful in an increasingly complex workplace and provide 康明斯 with a source of qualified and capable Technician talent. A strong workforce benefits the industry and strengthens our communities," said David Taylor, 康明斯 Technician Hiring Pathways 领导,北美.

As 澳门足球博彩官方网址 students, 康明斯 apprentices from throughout the nation build a strong foundation in the latest diesel technology while earning an associate degree.

根据澳门足球博彩官方网址总裁Dr. Chuck Johnson, "Vincennes University is proud to work with 康明斯, a great Indiana company, to close the skills gap. 通过合作, 康明斯 员工 obtain a college degree which, along with the great work experience from the apprenticeship, leads to good-paying jobs and tremendous career opportunities. The Technician Apprentice Program (TAP) is a vital and unique 程序 that not only benefits 康明斯 but the state of Indiana as well as communities and economies throughout 美国."

TAP apprentices shared their personal experiences and inspiring stories during a graduation ceremony this month at the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Diesel 技术 Center. 

Austin Williams, a newly graduated apprentice from Evansville, Indiana, describes 这个项目是一个“疯狂的机会”." He has high praise for TAP for numerous reasons, including the ability to provide for his family in ways he never thought he could.

"It has put me a lot further ahead than I ever expected," he said. “我做到了 to go to school and maintain a full-time career. 我已经毕业了. 我一直想 go to college, but I was always uncertain of it because the high cost of tuition always 让我走开."

在美国的学徒.S. 劳工部-registered 程序 are full-time 康明斯 员工. The company pays all 程序 expenses and provides a complete set of diesel 技术工具. The 程序 features instructional hours in diesel and heavy equipment training in addition to face-to-face and online courses.

David Haslup of Baltimore, Maryland, who admits to not having much direction in his previous job, earned one of two Valedictorian awards presented during the Commencement 程序. He says the 程序 is life-changing without a doubt. 他非常自豪 他所完成的一切. He appreciates the opportunities the 程序 has 他有机会.

"I didn’t think 程序s like this existed," Haslup said. “这个项目无可挑剔. The education you’re receiving is equally impeccable. 澳门足球博彩官方网址的教练,先生. (Larry) 斯特雷明和Mr. 布兰德是优秀的老师. 我再怎么强调也不为过. Vincennes University is a very nice university. 他们的服务很好."

The desire to earn a college degree is a fairly new dream for apprentice Russell Brungard 威廉斯波特,宾夕法尼亚州. He could hardly contain his excitement when he reflected on the TAP 程序 and his college experience at 澳门足球博彩官方网址.

"A couple of years ago, I had no desire to further my education," Brungard said. “所有 我想做的就是去工作. Now having the opportunity to go through the 程序 and get a degree, it is something that can’t be taken from me. 学位是永远的. I’ll also have a much better source of income and I’ve been provided with the ability to provide a better life for myself and my family. 如果没有这个项目, I would not be in the great position that I am."

根据… recent Forbes article, apprenticeship 程序s have justifiably grown more popular as apprentices earn a wage as they learn a trade.

Workers who graduate from an apprentice 程序 earn an average of $300,000 more over their lifetime compared to peers who don't, according to the U.S. 劳工部. It also reports 92 percent of apprentices who complete a 程序 retain employment.

澳门足球博彩官方网址 offers more than 180 degree 程序s. 欲知详情,请浏览http://roynay.femdomcenter.com/degree-finder.html.

For more information about a career with 康明斯,请访问 http://www.Cummins.com/careers 或联系当地的康明斯经销商.
